Monday, January 31, 2011

Temporary Visitor On Drivers License

is Monday! What are you reading? [19] This past

What did I read last week?

- "The confidant " Helen Grémillon (Roman épistollaire)
- "Life manual " by Georges Perec (Roman)

What I'm reading right now?

- " Sukkwan Island " Van Davis (Roman - Nature Writing)

And then tomorrow, I will read what?

As always, I do not know yet ...

you next week!

PS: Thanks to Mallou for this weekly appointment.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Extending An Outlet For Tiling

Squared: making the prehistory of Yves Coppens

History is a passion since my childhood. I was fortunate to study university, but I could never approach the archeology and paleontology closely. It was not in my programs and I did not choose this specialization. So.

However I like to read books related. With that
Yves Coppens, " This past squared, making the prehistoric " I'm thrilled because I was over the pages with one of the leading experts.


Author: (Source Wikipedia)

Yves Coppens, Vannes born August 9, 1934, is a paleontologist French paleoanthropologist and professor emeritus at College de France. In France, his name is attached to the discovery in 1974 of fossil nicknamed Lucy, as he was with American Donald Johanson and Maurice Taieb the French one of three co-directors of the team that has developed day.

son of physicist René Coppens, fascinated by archeology and prehistory since childhood, he began very early to participate in the work of excavation and exploration in Britain. He earned a bachelor's degree in experimental sciences in high school Jules Simon Vannes and then a bachelor of science in the Faculty of Natural Science from the University of Rennes. It prepares the doctoral degree graduate in starting a thesis on the Proboscidea in the laboratory of Professor Jean Piveteau, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris.

In 1956, he became a researcher of the National Centre for Scientific Research when he was 22 years. He heads toward the study of Quaternary and Tertiary periods. From 1960, he began climbing expeditions in Chad, Ethiopia and Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Indonesia and the Philippines.

In 1965, he discovered a hominid skull in Yaho (Angamma, Chad) he then called Tchadanthropus uxoris tribute to the country where it was found and whereas it is an individual female. In an age estimated at one million years, this fossil is now close to Homo erectus.

He became a lecturer at the National Museum of Natural History in 1969 and obtained the sub-department of the Museum of Man.

November 30, 1974 in Hadar, a relatively complete fossil of Australopithecus afarensis is discovered as part of the International Afar Research Expedition, a project involving thirty researchers Ethiopian, American and French co-directed by Donald Johanson (Paleoanthropology), Maurice Taieb (geology) and Yves Coppens (paleontology). The first fragment of the fossil was discovered by Tom Gray, a student of Donald Johanson. The fossil is nicknamed "Lucy" in reference to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, the Beatles song played by the team. Yves Coppens

was named director and professor at the National Museum of Natural History in 1980, and study director at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. He was elected to the chair of paleontology and prehistory at the College de France in 1983, chair he held until 2005, when He became professor emeritus.

In 1994, he chaired a committee of the Academy of Sciences on a case involving the brothers Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff, astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan, accusing them of plagiarism in their book God and Science published in 1991.

In 2006 he was appointed to the High Council for Science and Technology (Official Gazette of September 24, 2006).

In January 2010 he was appointed chairman of the Scientific Council of the conservation of the Lascaux cave.

Today, Yves Coppens is present in many national and international disciplines manager's jurisdiction. He has conducted Also a laboratory associated with CNRS, the Centre for Anthropological Research - Museum of Man, and two collections of works from the CNRS, the Journal of Paleoanthropology and Works of East African paleoanthropology. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences, Academy of Medicine, Academy of Sciences of Outremer and the Academia Europaea, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts Belgium, corresponding to the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Foreign associate of the Royal Society of South Africa and Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities of Bologna, Liege, Mons and Chicago.


The plot: What

the chimpanzee genome sheds light there on the prehistory of man? How do we know that Neanderthal man loved the meat and he preferred, when he had the choice, steak of reindeer steak buffalo? When can we date the first paléobabyboom? What plant Neolithic men were they domesticated first? Prehistorians how do they know that the drawings of mammoths at Rouffignac are not false? Can you tell who owns the hand that is on the wall of the cave Vilhonneur? With its usual verve and precision, Yves Coppens answered all the questions we ask ourselves about our origins, our geographic expansion or the development of our tooling and progressive refinement of our thinking.


What I Think

This book is a collection of chronic Yves Coppens on France Info. This is not the first time he publishes this type of work and each time it is with pleasure that I immersed myself.

The texts are grouped thematically. The whole work is therefore the most logical in the world even if reviews are not transcribed in their order of distribution (This was not absolutely annoying to listeners, but that would be more for the readers). The information they contain are all the more clear. The more user-friendly even for novices.

Yves Coppens is one of the researchers, these enthusiasts who know how to share their knowledge. Everything seems simple, clear with them. One learns with a certain pleasure while being entertained. It combines the useful (knowledge) with pleasure.

Dive into this book will help you understand your peers, your story through the ages, but especially your own journey.
It is well known that just To understand this, a good command of his past is often necessary ...

My final score: 17/20.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Which Vision Centers Take Vsp Insurance

Thursday quote

A quote a bit vulgar now, but who deserves to be called with the bottom of the heart of its author during his last hours of life:

" I am dying and this bitch will live Bovary! "

Gustave Flaubert

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Do You Know What I Mean/midi

The Auberge de l'Ange-Gardien de la Comtesse de Segur

occasionally reread a classic, it feels good. Often, the is less quaint than it seems. This is primarily because we own have changed. If it is possible to remain a major player throughout his life, our tastes in literature are changing affinities. We deal only with the same text over the same angle.
When it is a classic youth, we take first a little slap. And yes, we realize that there time has done its work, even if one strives to keep our child's soul, daily life was a bit perverted. But no matter, it is also good to regress for a moment, even better able to share these readings with the children around us: our own, but everybody else that can be crossed.
This time I got back into a work of the Comtesse de Segur, " the Auberge de l'Ange Gardien .

In his real name, Comtesse de Segur is named Sophie Rostopchin (Anglicized version if it is to sleep outside with a billet as they say).
was a French woman of letters (writer sum), but birth Russian (St. Petersburg 01/08/1799 - 09/02/1874 Paris). His vocation of writing it came very late, at the age of 58 years to be precise. It was an attentive grandmother and like all grannies She loved telling stories. This time, she has just written down, but this is only part of his work. Still, it's one we know best, because it is linked to our own childhood memories, our early readers.

The plot of the Auberge de l'Ange Gardien is quite simple:

On the road, a soldier and his dog found two brothers, very young children sleeping at the foot of a tree. They spent the night, they are cold and hungry. They have no parents. Moutiers (the soldier) knows what to do with these lovely children and just assign them to the Auberge de l'Ange Gardien which is so justly his name ... Ms. Blidot and younger sister will Elfy wonderful adoptive mothers, but with the war, the friendship will suffer from the silence of Moutiers, which will once more appear as soon as peace returned ...

What was I thinking of this reading in my old age? (I'm 35 years old, but sometimes I feel like a granny lol)

Yes, I talk about reading and rereading not in this case because I did not read this title by by Comtesse de Segur during my younger years.

The first chapter was so sad that I really thought I would give up my (re) discovery of the author. I had the heavy heart and I could make the comparison between these two children and my daughters.
Obviously, our times are radically different and I am not even talking just characters of my daughters (probably too spoiled, certainly not as brave face of adversity), but they are children, children who are in misery (Paul and his brother, not mine, eh!), who suffer, in short, my mother's heart jumped!
Then it is the greed of the first innkeeper, who shocked me, even revulsion. I once made a connection with our time if mercantilist. Basically, nothing has really changed in this respect. Money, money, money! This is the sinews of war, but not only!

The frame of the whole work is highly predictable, but I say this probably because I'm an adult. A young player 8 or 9 years would say probably not the same thing. Especially since for him the gap between our present society and the time the story is told in the most consistent. Undoubtedly, for him, it would be prehistoric! How it no mobile phone? No television? Point microwave in the kitchen? And what about the water it takes to get well? " All

all is full of good feelings, limit the land of Care Bears is a mark next to SM! I exaggerate? Hardly, I assure you!
nearly everywhere we see the goodness, simplicity, mutual aid, charity for free (not just to have a return or to get good publicity). There are the bad guys, but again, it's very cartoonish.
In the world imagined by the Comtesse de Segur, it turns round and is poised to become one!

Note also that this book is dated to his time. It conveys the values that knew the Comtesse de Segur, but also all its readers.
Religion occupies an important place. Campaigns, but the towns were very pious. The priest was a central figure in his parish. His opinion relied heavily.
Patriotism is glorified. Today when we talk about national pride, we will ask you if you do not have your card at the FN. As for national identity, we forget, it will still run good ink! But at that time was normal. We dreaded these things with a disarming natural for one of our contemporaries.

This novel may seem naive (everything is predictable, the good and the bad, the ending ...) but I think it's more a quality defect. That's what makes the strength, beauty, timelessness of this book. This is a classic, period!

The ending is deliberately open. The Comtesse de Segur makes no secret she would write later, another book where readers will find the characters of "The Auberge de l'Ange Gardien .

All's well that ends well. we would like it that way sometimes in our real world!

My final score: 16 / 20

Monday, January 24, 2011

Covers For A Pedestol Sink

Challenge XVIII century

How me who loves this century, I could spend next to this challenge?? Impossible even if the reason that I would drop because is it reasonable?
Absolutely not, well too bad!

This challenge is launched by Mr. C. (Just a program already) and found everything on this link:

I think I can write a ticket on :
- A novel
- Submissions
- A table
- A character in the eighteenth century
- A historical novel
- Film
- Comics
Etc ...

Finally it will still depend on the time I could spend ... But let
crazy !!!!!

Marines Corp Singlets

Sunshine and biting cold

There was the sun through the window banged to forget the cold wind and make me wish for a more distant spring yet, punctuated daffodils, green grass and rhubarb pie Rose scented with cardamom ... One Saturday

quickly passed, choose between this car will be mine for a long way, this big boy who returns Auvergne finally relaxed after the results of partial and always challenging chore of shopping for the week when I forget to paste biscuit creams burned Sunday. A vanilla bean will do!

Evening studded gossip, gentle warmth of the hearth, the smell of cedar.

Family meals, beautiful diners, verbal jousting, laughter, rillettes of rabbit with tarragon, lamb confit, sweet crème brûlée, confidences and snow peaches, a moment of happiness that vanishes A Sunday smile ... makes you stronger ...

Rob Dyrdek Dc Ring For Sale

is Monday! What are you reading? [18]

What did I read last week?

- " Moon Walk" by Michael Jackson (autobiography)

What I'm reading right now?

- "The confidant " Helen Grémillon (epistolary novel)

And then tomorrow, I will read what?

- Uh, I'll see in my PAL Emergency!

you next week!

PS Thank you to Mallou for this weekly appointment.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Jersey Open Court Basketball

My ex-voto " for 2011
All my wishes for this year
nm ex-voto
Phrase Latin ex voto means "according the vow " (" in accordance with what has been selected).
An ex-voto is an offering to a god in an application for pardon or a pardon obtained thanks. These objects can take many forms, anatomical plates, crucifixes, paintings, but also across regions and subjects of prayers .
Here is the table which hides the symbols of my wishes for 2011: a skull under glass optical crying, a few drops of blood, a pearl of chance again traveling on V, a rock crystal, a mask of comedy, a rose, a heart under glass, porcelain candid smiles at death, a vial of gold pigment, a Polaroid of Basquiat, a mirror witch, all surrounded by an ivy violet.
© Chavanita s

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Odcinki M Jak Milosc Online

Cocorico George!

If you still hesitate to join in the literary prépas Georges de la Tour (or if you are already ...), take a look at the latest ranking of the Student prépas of Letters and Science Human over the last 4 years. Choose your school is an important step in the formulation of wishes waiting Terminals soon ... like what, Paris and its sacred mountain is not necessarily the only possibility!

"What schools offer the best chance of success in high schools? Our ranking for 2011 you answered each stream preparation of literary (letters A / L, letters B / L, ENS-LSH).

"Compare prépas ENS-LSH over 4 years. The table below shows the changes in rates of success in competitions for each preparation (optional languages, arts and humanities together) ...

The winners 2011: LSH for the series, the average integration (5.7%) remained stable compared to 2009. This rate drops to 3.5% if one retains only the integrations ENS LSH. 16 institutions show a rate greater than or equal to this average generally led Fenelon by both Parisians and Henry IV. Note: The spectacular surge in Joffre, Montpellier (34), who moves from 37th to 9th place, and Georges de La Tour, Metz (57), which progresses from the 36th to the 10th. Conversely, there was a decline of Sainte-Marie, Lyons (3rd to 11th), and Victor Duruy, Paris (from 4th to 12th place). "

link to the article:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Use Kenstar Mcrowave For Baking Cake

Vestal, Darth Vader and Bowie
John, I'm only dancing - David Bowie
Well Annie's pretty neat, she always eats her meat / Joey comes on strong, bet your life he's putting us on / Oh lordy, oh lordy, you know I need some loving / Oh move me, touch me
John, I'm only dancing / She turns me on, but I'm only dancing / She turns me on, but don't get me wrong / I'm only dancing
Shadow love was quick and clean, life's a well-thumbed machine / I saw you watching from the stairs, you're everyone that ever cared / Oh lordy, oh lordy, you know I need some loving / Move me, touch me
John, I'm only dancing / She turns me on, but I'm only dancing / She turns me on, but don't get me wrong / I'm only dancing
John, I'm only dancing / She turns me on, but I'm only dancing / She turns me on, but don't get me wrong  / I'm only dancing
Dancing  / Won't someone dance with me? / Touch me,  / Ohhh!
Dance with somebody - Mando Diao
I’m falling in love with your favourite song // I’m gonna sing it all night long // I’m gonna dance with somebody // Dance with somebody // Dance, dance, dance
Come together - The Beatles
Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly  // He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller  // He got hair down to his knee  // Got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football  // He got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola  // He say "I know you, you know me"  // One thing I can tell you is you got to be free  // Come together right now over me
He bag production he got walrus gumboot  // He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker  // He got feet down below his knee  // Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease  // Come together right now over me
He roller-coaster he got early warning  // He got muddy water he one mojo filter  // He say "One and one and one is three"  // Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see  // Come together right now over me
© Chavanitas & Zahra Sebti & Elodie Mercier