Bracket closes, the children leave and give way to a silence disturbed only by the hum of the stove and the crackle of the wood ... Soon the last rays of daylight extinguished candles and lanterns already soften mood worried ... the know have arrived ... The house
wait one month before being packed.
So snuggle under the blanket, even browse the book of voluptuous delights of equally delicious Miss Dahl's with ginger and pear muffins have had mixed success in taste ... But without fat clearing exquisite, pear compote and spices give the character. They have an airy texture, sponge cake, which silences the bad conscience and also the taste of sweet little thing that avoids the frustration ... Parents have liked to accompany their tea but young people have accused them of resembling bread rather than cake, too little too sweet for their mouths ...
Pear and ginger muffins
145g flour 150g
oatmeal 2 teaspoons baking powder 1
teaspoon baking soda 1
teaspoon ground ginger 1 tsp
teaspoon cinnamon 1 pinch freshly grated nutmeg
225g stewed pear
4 egg whites slightly beaten
125 ml plain yoghurt 240g
agave syrup or honey farm
1 pear, peeled and sliced 100g
golden raisins (which I replaced by slivered almonds)
I heat the oven to 180 degrees.
I put squares of baking sheet in the molds.
I mix the dry ingredients and dig a well in center for the wet ingredients. I mix gently without too much stress. The molds are filled to three quarters, put the slice of pear, they are oven for 25 to 35 minutes depending on size.
I just use warm. But they can be enjoyed with apple butter or jam ...
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