2) Upon my arrival at ESC Lille, even before. I knew this route after looking at what schools offering that curriculum. Only had this ESC Lille die at the time.

4) The selection is as follows. Depositing a record of motivation toward April. This file is then reviewed by a joint committee (teachers of the college, dean of the faculty and teachers of St. ESC + D. affrique, director of the Master DDA). About 80 cases were filed, there were 30 students to follow this course in M1. The admission results are known to end in June
5) Yes, there are more hours of course, about 250 of the year 180 of M1 and M2. Thursday nights and Friday nights are for over DDA (we ended up to 21h). Saturday is worked all day.
a 3 month internship in law practice is required in M1 during the summer holidays. I had already done my first course of L3 in a law firm, according to my wishes pro, and I returned to this office for my internship M1
DDA is the law firm of Richard and Mertz Metz, firm that is both the legal (corporate, consulting) and judicial (litigation). Cabinet of 9 members, 30 people in total
I worked in the service tax, my mission is varied. Business Valuation for disposals, company formation, tax optimization of the assets of companies, definitions of defense strategies of the taxpayer. I also did some business combinations (partial contributions of assets).
I also worked in corporate law, performing legal transformation of society. My internship was therefore oriented board, I attended my referral partner in consulting engagements. For example, what kind of society to choose a particular activity, restructuring for later disposal, all in order to optimize taxation.
I have not however affected the judiciary (criminal prud'hommaux litigation, civil and commercial litigation, family law).
was exciting and gave me even more desire to continue in this way.
5) Approximately 180 hours of additional courses from the curriculum ESC pure. The courses are practical seminars, M2 is a pro (ex dess). Fewer hours, but more material, and a memory to go for December. I did mine on the partial contributions of assets.
The second semester in law is more light, about 70 h during the first half. The purpose of the M2 is to apply practical knowledge gained in M1.
I have not done any training, having already done two internships in the office. I also wanted to use this period to prepare for the post diploma competition lawyer. It took me three years to catch up with the right that I did not do, which takes time.
graduated end of April 2009, I was only five months to review the competition, the weather was therefore particularly valuable ...
7) I decided to take the examination in second ... so it was a project fully matured. I preferred to skip to the end of the M2 to acquire additional knowledge, and not to preparation + course.
is actually the culmination of this training, the top of the top-level difficulty is of course the judiciary but almost unattainable unless high gloss. Otherwise, the assistance of counsel really marks a sort of icing on the cake of this training.
As an illustration, we had 129 in my test center to pass, and only 42 were actually taken ...
So it's a selective competition, which is spread over the term (written Sept. 20, final acceptance November 20 ...). It is therefore necessary to prepare fully and to put all my chances on my side, I followed a preparatory summer (Capavocat) in Paris, which is expensive (2200 euro), but very effective, especially for students like me who had no initial legal training.
knowledge required are sharp, I had about 700 pages to revise everything. 4 subjects in writing. A briefing note regarding a matter of procedure (criminal, civil, administrative or choice), and a law of obligations (2nd year program of law, therefore, entirely revised, without having ever met). Finally, a legal matter the choice, I had taken labor law. Requirements are high, demand rigorous legal knowledge and ability of application to a practical case, or ability to essay.
Then come the oral, 4 subjects in all, a matter of choice (I took property law), a language test, it was easy when a preparation, a test of accounting as easy leaving ESC and finally the great oral, highly selective, but Kohll of preparation were well trained to face this ordeal.
8) The I am on vacation in NYC for a rest!. I started school as a lawyer in Strasbourg in February, until July 2011, and 6-month in a different company in a competition lawyer (I want a firm administrator in Paris) and 6 months probation lawyer, I want a firm case either Paris or London. I'd like to integrate a firm Anglo-Saxon firms are very demanding.
For the record, I went to submit resume to Paris in a firm renowned Anglo-Saxon. The first question I was asked was "Do you have a double degree. This is the condition sine qua none for they begin to examine the CV. So of course, possess such a dual degree is a tremendous asset ... we know how a company training with ESC, and it is more lawyer ...
For cons, I find myself competing for people who have Right + Sciences Po and / or Ena, people who were then HEC Assas ... is competition in excellence.
Obviously, these are the firms that pay the most in training (about 2500 € net internship lawyer ...). But we have to work a lot, about 2 times at least 35 hours per week.
For the future, I would therefore start in such a firm, and then it will be an adventure. Be back in France with my skills and become a partner in an existing office, or go with my own lawyer friends. Anyway, I really want to become a specialist corporate law, and in a specialized field, specific, or very few lawyers are competent to further enhance my competitive advantage ... We'll see, it depends also meetings, opportunities that arise. Anyway, I did what I always wanted to do the work always ends up paying. Sacrificing two years can really be necessary to change a life.
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