A quiet weekend, take care of the house, clean the garden and its vestiges last year ...
Helleborus, invigorated by the mild sun, require their annual stripping, impossible to deny them!
This is just the beginning, it will take days and days of sky and mild aches, to carve, scrape the ground, raking, transplanting, potting, mulching, repeat the curb and finally give a look at this carefully garden.
But to find the pink cheeks and an appetite is a good plan ...
Sunday menu is almost alone in the oven, to give me some time, roast chicken with tarragon sauce, oven fries house salad, corn salad, sweet caramel
I never do French fries at home, outside they are already so often proposed and the smell of frying my heart lifts, one concession, the tempura vegetables from time to time in the summer because a centimeter of oil into the wok is bearable. While this recipe is called a concession ... a potato cut into chips per person is placed in a freezer bag with a half tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of breadcrumbs mixed with oregano or thyme, shake to coat and place it on a tray lined with baking paper for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Sea salt and pepper and you're done! Idea piqued in IT at the table, and adapted, they add the Parmesan, I feared it might burn, and butter, superfluous to my taste.
For the sauce with tarragon easy! The roast chicken looks warm in serving dish, throw in the fat and poured a splash of dry white wine in baking dish to release the juices, a full-bodied cup of broth, a shower of coarsely chopped tarragon leaves is allowed to reduce, add 20 cl of cream or soy cream, pepper, and heat is allowed three minutes. It mixes the diver to make a sauce all frothy and fragrant.
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