Cortile della Pigna
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Ponte Sant'Angelo - |
Sfera con sfera
"The concerns of my work as an artist focused on the relationship between sculpture and space in which it is located. A sculpture, in fact, is conducting its own space in the larger space in which it lives and moves . When work becomes the place where he is, it takes the value a faithful witness of the time in which it was produced by enriching the endroitde additional layers of memory. . (Statement of the artist, Arnaldo Pomodoro, 2008) A half mechanical, half organic, captivating sculptures by Arnaldo Pomodoro is between the realm of figuration and abstraction forms bursting . They may be crystalline by-product of a strange reaction, a form of erosion, or operation of a complex and futuristic computer technology. Strongly influenced, like his compatriot Lucio Fontana, for the race space - with its Sputnik satellite, and images of the moon - Pomodoro resolutely devoted half a century of artistic representation of modernity. Sfera con sfera (Sphere in sphere) belongs to the series Sfera (Sphere), begun in early 1960. The brightness of the light, the golden orb that is the outer shape of the Sfera refers to Brancusi, but his heart, torn with laser-like precision, are the remnants violent acts of the artist. Pomodoro himself speaks this influence and how to overcome it: "The perfection of the shape of Brancusi was so beautiful and so mysterious. The form of our time is inappropriate. It must be destroyed, the word 'destruction' was my discovery of the largest and most authentic. " Pomodoro has always insisted that abrasions or lacerations in his work should be read as a form of writing. After teaching in Northern California in the 1960s he was influenced by writers of the Beat Generation like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg , that the artist knew well. The marks left on what was originally a blank shiny surface is a calligraphy lyric that speaks directly to his creative process. As in the work of its peer Yves Klein, the voids in bronze have become as important - if not more important - the bronze remaining. These gaps in the middle allows the viewer to enter an alternate world.
Ponte Sant'Angelo
Ponte Sant'Angelo, the bridge of Hadrian, is the bridge leading to Castel Sant'Angelo. The bridge is covered with travertine marble and spans the Tiber with three arches. It is decorated with 10 white marble angels designed by Bernini. Each of them is an instrument of the martyrdom of Christ.
Angel column with the inscription "My throne was a pillar of cloud" / / Angel whisk , with the inscription "I am ready for punishment "/ / Angel with crown of thorns , with the inscription" In my anguish, whilst the sinking thorn "/ / Angel wearing the veil of St. Veronica , with the inscription "look upon the face of your anointed" / / Angel wearing a dress and dice , with the inscription "they cast lots for my clothing" / / Angel Carrying nails with the inscription "they shall look upon me whom they have pierced" / / Angel at cross with the inscription "badge of power is on his shoulder" / / Angel bearing the titulus, with the inscription "God reigned from the wood of the cross" / / angel with a sponge of vinegar , with the inscription "they m'abreuvent vinegar" / / Angel lance , with the inscription "Thou hast wounded my heart "
Piazza San Pietro (below)
Sistine Chapel
The vault
The decoration of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was commissioned by Pope Julius II, Pope charged Michelangelo redecorating. In May 1508, the artist signed the contract for the completion of the twelve apostles in the pendants and ornamental motifs in the remaining parts. Following the request of Michelangelo (who thought the subject is limited) assisted by theologians of the papal court, he was commissioned nine Central stories depicting episodes from Genesis. The route began to separate the light from the darkness and continued with the famous "Creation of Adam" - which God reaches out to Adam to give life. Temptation and other edifying episodes followed. On the edges, there are nudes supporting medallions depicting scenes from the Book of Kings , whose symbolism remains debatable. On the basis of the architectural structure, twelve LEDs, among prophets and Sibyls, sit on thrones monumental, above the Ancestors of Christ, represented in Webs and Spectacles (north wall, south wall, entrance wall). Finally, in pendants around, the artist has painted a few episodes of the miraculous salvation of Israel.
For the preparation of this work he designed numerous studies and cartoons, designing dozens of characters and poses. Work was also devoted disproportionate to hit the body and health of the painter. In this regard, if the image of Michelangelo painted bench press is a legend, this drawing of the master's hand excludes the historical field. These impressive performances that demonstrate a mastery of human anatomy and movement radically changed the course of evolution of Western painting. In August 1510, Michelangelo had finished the first half of the arch of the entrance wall to the Creation of Eve. The work was probably concluded before October 31 1512 because a st November the Pope celebrated Mass in the Chapel.
Judgement Day
The Last Judgement is a fresco painted by Michelangelo on the wall of the altar of the chapel. Michelangelo painted on commission from Pope Clement VII, when he was 60. The work lasted 6 years, between 1535 and 1541. In 1532, Michelangelo returned to Rome after spending several years in Florence - in which he had taken sides against the Pope during the war with Emperor Charles V - and Clement VII, pardoned him, asked him to paint both ends of the Sistine Chapel. There was to represent the Fall of Rebel Angels and Doomsday. Almost immediately he began to study for this project disproportionate, but Clement VII had died (in 1534), he thought of giving up work to resume the tomb of Julius II, when Pope Paul III opposed and named in 1535 by writ architect, painter and sculptor of the Vatican. The Last Judgement was alone executed.
Fresco extends over a wide wall (20 m high, 10 m wide) in a double bezel, on which Michelangelo made a startling scene, both ordered and bubbly, offering a tortured and painful vision of doomsday, far from the quiet majesty of the usual representations.
The figure of Christ surprised by the unusual appearance - a virile, athletic young man - in which Michelangelo depicted Jesus. It expresses the divinity of the Lord by the power and strength of character that emerges. At the time, the work had caused a scandal in part because of the fact that the 400 and some characters who are naked, including Christ himself. Paul IV thought for a moment to delete everything and then merely to veil some characters by Daniele da Volterra it earned the nickname Braghettone (breeches). In XVII e century, Clement XII will still cover other characters. The vision of the work has been severely disrupted by the long restoration that was conducted from 1981 to 1992. It was unveiled in stunning colors that we nicknamed the "sovereign terrible shadow " pastel roses, green acids, light blue ...
Musei Vaticani
Gallery of Tapestries, a collection of tapestries from various manufacturers from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Gallery of Maps, decorated by Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585) and restored by Urban VIII (1623 -1644); rooms Sobieski and the Immaculate Conception, the Stanze and the Loggia of Raphael, have been decorated by Julius II and Leo X (1513-1503), the chapel of Beato Angelico, painted during the pontificate of Nicolò Borgia ( 1447-1455), the Sistine Chapel, which takes the name of its founder, Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484), the Borgia apartments, home of Alexander VI (1492-1503) ... The collection of modern and contemporary religious art was added in 1973 and inaugurated by Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) in the Borgia apartment ...
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