Dear X ,
Matches with X
"(...) And then this sentence ... "Before They Catch raindrops fall on you" ...
I like the idea ... But I ' likes to be wet, also ... ... A shiver in me to become ill. In other to death. " X.
I like the idea ... But I ' likes to be wet, also ... ... A shiver in me to become ill. In other to death. " X.
"Only a few fragments of one day affect us fragments of others - someone
The truth is really that - the truth someone.
can only share the fragment acceptable to know each other and we almost always alone. -
The truth is really that - the truth someone.
can only share the fragment acceptable to know each other and we almost always alone. -
best perhaps our comprehension he could find the solitude of another. "Mr. Monroe.
The Tormented - Black desire
Take me dancing / / In the below / / Cities Madness / / Since it is in these places / / So many dreams / / That when you sleep / / But not n'dort / / So much twisting / / Here and there / / And to reach the bottom / / Since we are tired of everything / / we entrelaçons Why Us? For
skinned alive / / They have been abused
Go buried me / / Pass me over all edges / / But still a bit after / / That even the end is completed / / I have not lit the fuse / / It Lautreamont / / About me press / / In the desert / / Where he preaches / / Or at nothing / / It gives the mass. / / For skinned / / Hold me again / / Choking Me If You Can / / You who know where / / After a subtle sketch / / We broke the screws ...
We skinned alive / / They have been abused.
skinned alive / / They have been abused
Go buried me / / Pass me over all edges / / But still a bit after / / That even the end is completed / / I have not lit the fuse / / It Lautreamont / / About me press / / In the desert / / Where he preaches / / Or at nothing / / It gives the mass. / / For skinned / / Hold me again / / Choking Me If You Can / / You who know where / / After a subtle sketch / / We broke the screws ...
We skinned alive / / They have been abused.
Oh no nothing serious / / Y has hooked our bruises we save / / And all our commonalities / / In the teeth / / Our flaps of skin / / found Here and there / / In every corner / / Do not stop shaking / / That's how I know you / / Even if it's much better for you / / What you tremble a bit younger than me. / / Take me, take me / / You should be able / / Getting scarlet / / Even / / If we rush / / should see / / White Light White Heat / / Go buried me / / Pass me over all edges / / One more effort / / We will again / / Calm and quiet / / Calm and quiet / / Hold me again / / Hold me again / / Smother Me If You Can ... / / Hold me again.

© Chavanitas
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