Monday, February 28, 2011

Most Reliable Laptop Brand Names

Read the interview and make your own one.- on
Charlotte is a 24 year old videographer, artist and blogger. She lives in Paris, France.
DS: How did you hear about Dailysingle ? What are you expecting from being on the front page ? 
C: I heard about Dailysingle through my brother who sent me the link on Facebook.
DS: What are the most memorable years of you life and what happened to make them so memorable ? 
C: I'll say the 5 past years have been crowded with crazy experiences, such as an MTV broadcast show on Graphic Design I did in New York in 2008, then I graduated from ESAG Penninghen Majoring in Art Direction and Graphic Design in 2009. And since then I have been able to work as a freelance video maker so I can perform in my own work. I also did a road-trip on road 66 with a friend which leads us to an exhibition of the "road-trip video" made with the sculptures that came out of it. Last memorable moment was my first contemporary art exhibition for the video "Apparence" during the Fiav in 2010.
DS: Where were you born and where do you live now ?
C: I was born and I am still leaving in Paris. However, exhibitions, festivals and photography leads me to travel a lot, but I guess I like this city more than I admit. It's true that places like London, Berlin or New-York are so much more open-minded and "underground" than Paris is. Still, contemporary art and culture are exciting and always full of Ressource in Paris. 
DS: How would you best describe yourself ? 
C: I would say I'm obsessed with themes of society linked to my video art, such as contemporary Vanitas, society of appearances, subculture and feminism. And every day my choices are dictated by my passion. I like it and that's my way of enjoying each day the most I can.. My own "carpe diem".
DS: What are the must-haves in you daily wardrobe ?
C: I never take off my "Vanitas" necklace and my two small skull rings. You will never see me without high heels either.
DS: Who do people tell you you look like ?  
C: When I had my dark hair I kind  of looked like Morticia in The Addams Family which i took as a huge compliment as far as I am fan of this movie.
DS: What is the compliment you most frequently get ?  
C: The compliment that one makes me the most ? I would say my desire and motivation, and how I deconstruct to rebuild to try to create.
DS: How did you end-up being a videographer and artist ?  
C: I always felt I would do an artistic work and I ended up getting a Graphic Design degree without really knowing what kind of job it would lead me to. My father is an art collector and I guess it's influenced me a lot as well. For my graduation project I wanted to talk about my obsession : contemporary Vanitas referring to Flemmish paintings, why there are so many skulls  in our contemporary society, how come modern and contemporary art have been the most important in art history to represent skulls since Renaissance. I wanted to do it with the contemporary ephemeral media that is video mixed with the most traditional and resistant material that is ceramics. It lead me to my specialty which is animating sculptures in stop motion videos. My obsession with time passing and the approach of artists like Roman Opalka led me to create my blog as a diary of my art, my travels, influences, trends over the time.
DS: Can you tell us more about your job ?  
C: As a freelancer my work is very wide. I chose to stay freelance to determine the type of project I wanted to do, to work alone and be able to change of fiels regularly. I mainly do stop motion videos from sculptures in different materials. These projects follow the themes that I chose to approach and are often personal and philosophical. I am very attached to the concept, meaning and text. Besides I have also a lot of design projects, such as illustrations, ceramics, and book layouts. I need to switch projects often. It's like breathing : first I breathe out personal projects, then I take some time on projects where I inspire that are less focused on myself and leave me time to find new inspiration. Managing my time as I want allows me to continue to attend trainings to learn new techniques to make my work evolve constantly. For example, I recently took theater courses at cours Florent to be prepared to do art performance one day.
DS: Let's talk more about you and your tastes. Any hobbies ? What do you like to do in your free time ? Anything you like to recommend ? 
C: Again, all my hobbies are related to what I do. I like going to a museum, theater, concerts, cinema, traveling, reading.. I am a little hyperactive :) My trips are my times off, but again, they must be filed with art and photography. I have a special camera for times off : it's a Lomography Diana F+ that I recommend to try for easy taken orignal pictures.
DS: What is a typical week for Charlotte ?
C: Well, that's the problem with working in your own workshop.. I try to keep a "traditional" agenda, not working too late during the nights or week-ends and waking-up early. But the truth is I don't really have a planning and I end up working nights and days when I have too much work then not doing anything during a few days. But lately I did try to keep a normal work timing so I can socialize a bit more. 

DS: Some quick questions : What is the first thing you do in the morning ?
C: It depends on the mood in which I wake up, to put loud music, record my dreams..
DS: What is your favorite word ?  
C: Vanitas
DS: What is your favorite quotation ? Or your own for posterity..  
C: "Eternals passes-by of our beingness, there is no voyage but within ourselves. We own nothing, because we do not own ourselves. We have nothing because we are nothing." Fernando Pessoa
DS: What is your favorite "drug"?  
C: Read notes from Louise Bourgeois "deconstruction, reconstruction", it reassures me.
DS: What magic powder would you like to have if you could choose one ?  
C: A potion that could make myself invisible so I can observe people without being seen, a way to analyze the society without its appearances.
DS: If not yourself, who would you be ?  
C: I would like to be Matthew Barney, his art work are sculptural installations combined with performance and video. It's one of the most imaginative and brillant achievements in the history of avant-garde cinema.
DS: What is in the store for you ? Any projects for the next months ? Anything you want to share ? Can our readers help you with anything ?  
C: As I am still working on the next projects coming up and I am very superstitious with works that are not finished yet, I invite you to follow my blog Chavanitas to hear about my actuality.
DS: Anything you want to add to close this interview ?  
C: Vanitas vanitatum, omnia Chavanitas.
DS: Thank you Charlotte. 
  C: A bientôt.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tracing The Name Of Unknown Number

Happy cha
Bonita Applebum
Bonita Applebum you got to put me on
Bonita Applebum I said you got to put me on
Hey bonita, glad to meet cha / for the cunnin' stunning you, miss I must beseech cha / Hey, being with you is a top priority / Ain't no need to question the authority / Chairman of the board, the chief of affections / You got minds that sway in your direction / Hey, you're like a hip-hop song you know /Bonita applebum you got to put me on
A tribe called Quest
Vanities - Charlotte Gainsbourg
You could have it all
You could pawn it off
You could learn to crawl
Where you used to walk
And I... I'm only burning vanities
You could tell a tale

You could sell it off
You could find a grail
Made of cinder block
And I... I'm only burning vanities
  © Chavanitas & Elodie Mercier

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Actum Realizer Gold V4.30 Chomikuj

The gatehouse troubadour of Mary Visconti

"The troubadour of the gatehouse " Marie Visconti is a book I have been through the operation organized by Critical Mass Babélio. This is actually Partnership and what I love about these discussions is that we can discover new authors, genres, innovative and often beautiful literary pearls.
Maybe I've been lucky because I have never yet been disappointed. I am certainly "public good", but still.
In the case of historical detective by Marie Visconti, I can already tell you it's a little bit of heart earlier this year. The author is known as an expert on ancient myths and medieval literature and this reputation is deserved. This associate professor of letters certainly a bright future as a writer. But rather than talk at length, presenting instead the title that interests us today.

What you read on the back cover and which can already make you want to read this book:

is a crime that embarrasses many medieval rulers of the kingdom of France, this fall 1226: libel, copied by an anonymous hand and introduced to the royal palace in the mud behind the beloved Queen Blanche of Castille.
To defuse the political crisis, we must entrust the investigation to an unofficial figure, a loner dedicated to the Queen. Josserand said the " Grammarian "will be the man for the job. Except that Josserand, instead of finding libels, begins to discover the bodies. And in Paris along the Seine, suspects abound: a shadowy child-woman, too prosperous merchants, knights in hot blood, or the mysterious troubadour du Chatelet, which responds to all through a song.
But time is running out: the threats against the kingdom accumulate ... and alarming news arrived on the king's health. A police investigation dense, rhythmically taut and maintains the suspense until the final pages. Maria Visconti is this new mystery novel at the time Louis VIII, son of Philip Augustus, husband of Blanche of Castile and father of the future St. Louis. Far from the images of Epinal, this is a lively medieval Paris, secrets and phantasmagoria.

What I could think after reading all:

"The troubadour du Chatelet " is actually a cop and as I appreciate the medieval historical novels and thrillers, such as combining two genera, he went ahead with a fun side to come.

During discovery, the positive elements have accumulated:

- I enjoyed the choice of historical period (this happens in 1226).
is known both high and low on the time and detective stories are not legions in such a framework. The Middle Ages in any case the historical period in which my knowledge is most limited.

- I appreciated the respect for historical truth as far as this can cause yes, I know a fair bit of time, but still, I am a historian by training and I say some pretty solid foundations.
Respect the historical context is not always appropriate in the intrigues police, but then, not only Mary Visconti wanted to write a good fiction credibility both in the field of investigation to be conducted in the environment in which the protagonists.

- I enjoyed the many twists and turns, always believable. No lengths, the balance between the highlights (action) and time of Inquiry own reflection. The first murder does not occur until page 92, but regardless, there are other elements to search. The fact that dead bodies do not accumulate from the first pages does not bother me absolutely. It is rather a strong point of this story. The victims show that the research was justified by the grammarians and above the tree hiding the forest. The plot finds them reinforced.
" The owner was lying on his stomach. The grammarians bent: the skull base was a large wound. On the ground, sprawled and scattered records of the shrine of bronze, covered with blood.
- Sir Panfil has been slain, he said. It is murder! prevent Hucheloup Run, at the Chatelet. "
point too morbid detail, just enough for the reader to visualize the scene and become aware that there is tilted in a case more complex, larger, more dangerous!

- I appreciated that the choice of title is clearly explained in the book itself.
How many times I wondered why such a title for a particular book? No possible link between the two, whichever is the later "seller". Because yes, literature is also subject to the laws of market and profitability.
Here, everything is clearly stated on page 40:
" - Le Châtelet is horrible prison, Marceau.
- Girard, there is often. My father called" the troubadour du Chatelet "."
A good title is important. This anchors the story itself. Finally, this is just my opinion ...

- I enjoyed the variety of characters, from various environments, but complement each other perfectly.
were all ages, the backgrounds, experiences, experiences, professions and also the ambitions! It is a most important element in this type of story because it can be an excellent mobile
... I had a soft spot for the young Marceau. That may be a dunce, but he forgot to be devoid of all intelligence and many valuable clues will come voluntarily or not the boy. The grammarians
is mysterious and yet he is conducting the investigation. His personality will reveal itself a bit over the pages, but know we really have it in the end? Quite a few things and it gives an aura that I liked. The Cathie
horripilée me. I wanted to put her in her place and as Sir Panfil give him a good slap. It's not very nice, but true. Maria Visconti was able to make it annoying and it is possible authorship of providing a positive influence or not his characters.

- I liked the fluidity of the writing, the richness of the whole.
course, it is not in the Name of the Rose "by Umberto Ecco, but still," The troubadour du Chatelet "not be ashamed.

I nothing particularly wrong with this book. it is not perfect, but no minis flaws I could mention only worth it to darken more than one page computer monitor. These are only details we will therefore mention not to give them more importance than they actually have.

A comprehensive book that respects the codes of the genre, but who can also stand out a bit so we do not forget it just closed.

My final score: 17 / 20

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where To Buy Rennet Salt Lake

Competition Result Fedeylins

So yes, I know I was a bit cruel ...
So yes, I've doing a bit marinate ...
So yes, I earn a little more time before you reveal the winner (s) ...

But it was for good cause as I can tell you, it's a shame there is only one copy to win because I had 2 or 3 competitors who wanted! !
Congratulations to them, you're great!!

And now ...

one that will have to contact me by mail to send me his postal address is ...


What Brand Bow Should I Buy

is Monday! What are you reading? [22] Arthurian legend

What did I read last week?

- "The sidewalk in the sun " Philippe Delerm (Short)
- " Fedeylins, Volume 1 " Nadia Coste (Youth)

What I'm reading right now ?

- "The troubadour du Chatelet " Mary Visconti (Roman historical detective)

And then tomorrow, I will read what?

- "The House of Dead " Frank Thill (for discovering the author together with other bloggers)

not I move faster now!!

you next week!

PS: Thank Galleani taking over from Mallou.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Angelina Jolie Lowest Bmi

I'm definitely too low! "
I fell for this new challenge launched in Over pages.
However, I will be reasonable is to just register level Owain (1 pound) .

The goal is read a number of books (see categories below) and make columns on his blog by inserting the logo (above!)

And for that, you have until December 31, 2012 .

Here are the categories :

Level King Arthur: Read 12 books or more.

Lancelot Level: Read 8 books.

Merlin Level: Read 5 pounds.

Lady Lake Level: Read 3 books.

Level Owain: Read a book.

Small precision: The comics do not count (otherwise it would be too easy!) And Tristan & Isolde on books are welcome (two stories with a link)

You can also, if you feel like it watching movies on the topic or series "Merlin" and "Kaamelott" (I strongly recommend the second: D)

To register, simply post a comment here and choose the category you wish register;)

Warning: You can change the current level of road only if you want a higher category (eg if you chose "Lady of the Lake Level" you can change to "Level Merlin," but the reverse is impossible, it does not pass from Merlin ... Yvain)

Ladiesc Incontinence Swimwear

Challenge Contest Fedeylins

Well, the big day has arrived! That contest!

I suggest you save a copy of " Fedeylins, Volume 1, The banks of the world " Nadia Coste .

To do this, it will be very simple!
You simply leave a comment on this post explaining your motivations for playing that song. (This is to avoid empty or without real capacity.).
You can enter multiple times but each time, your comments will be different lest this post out of play (No copy / paste so)
The 35 th comment will win the book for its release next March 10, 2011.

The official result will be announced Monday, February 21, 2011 .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Last Drinking The Whole Night

Thursday quote

"I decided to be happy because it's good for health "


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fashion Tv Models In Without Cloths

Fedeylins, Volume 1, The banks of the world Nadia Coste (Preview)

Read book previews (Release scheduled for March 10, 2011) is a rare pleasure (because yes, that does not happen every day). It's exciting because even though we know that others will read it before you (peer review of the publishing house, journalists as well as Other literary bloggers) you're one of a small privileged circle.
You know nothing or almost, and I find that the pleasure lies precisely in this mysterious part.
For " Fedeylins, Volume 1, The banks of the world "I confess, I do not know the author and never heard of this book. A 100% discovery!

I could tell you now that Nadia Coste I was able to discover through his first book published by Gründ, but I think the easiest and most enjoyable is that you go to meet him on his personal blog ( / ). She indulged (as much as she wants, you will talk about his passions, his manner of writing, work ...). An encyclopedia about the author "made in by herself!
Know She was born in 1979 and the books, their world has always passionate. It took a long journey before reaching the birth of his kid paper ": the saga of Fedeylins, but it draws strength and therefore a legitimacy that it does itself. To find

Fedeylins, as nothing better than the official site:
There is a little rundown on Nadia Coste (Author), David Revoy (illustrator who also has its own website: ) and even videos (very instructive).

Still, it is also instructive to read the abstract proposed by the publisher to give an idea of the topic: The

fedeylins, small winged creatures of fifteen centimeters high, are happily living on the edge of the pond which is their world. They are a people who fears essentially fragile gorderives, amphibians armed with the other shore. For nearly three hundred years, a non-aggression pact keeps the peace between fedeylins and gorderives.

The five Founding Fathers fedeylins, only male pollinators, affix each small mark behind the left ear before its outbreak. This mark allows a fair distribution of society into castes (collectors, builders, priors, transmitters and creators). Believing in fate is crucial to accept the death that is ravaging the village daily. For all the brand and destiny are linked and each is convinced he has a definite place.

What I could think after reading (Volume 1 in its entirety and not just the summary, let's get serious!):

I first found the wonderful work David Revoy. The cover of this first volume is very beautiful, with soft colors, soothing (and lots of green this winter, I admit that this is particularly pleasant. One thinks of spring, warmer temperatures, a certain softness, the revival of Mother Nature ...).

Then I enjoyed being thrown into a world completely different from ours through the careful work of Nadia Coste. I do not doubt that he has actually had to write nine versions before arriving at this little gem.
Everything, I mean everything has been thought of every detail without weighing it is for the reader. On the contrary, it is immersed in this world (3D in our minds?) And we did not want to leave because it's so well done it's extremely painful return to reality.
You lose a bit of time elapsing since Nadia knows how to scroll the years without appearing.
Much work is noted at the transitions that are so fine and pleasant.

Beautiful gallery of portraits and characters, which makes this even more believable fantasy world. Indeed, in life, it is the accumulation of differences that existence is what it is. Nothing is ever truly fixed. There remains some
dark side, but I have no doubt they will be informed in future volumes of the saga. Nadia Coste could not tell us everything in one book though with his pen light and so fluid, we could continue our reading without more effort.

Each chapter opens with an excerpt from a book Fedeylin. I find it much seen. Book lovers will have even more desire to continue. I'm even sure they still want to read more!

could regret the lack of action, but I think that the whole saga is great, it certainly had to go through this step a little ungrateful, a bit forced to ask who is the decor, the foundations of this imaginary construction. If these are not strong enough, the readers would not want to go much further treat this passage is therefore a guarantee of quality, commitment on the part of the author.
And to compensate, there's character Cahyl. One can only enjoy it, want to be with him. Great attention is given to him. This is all the more easily as I did not like reading a novel to classify "Youth".
Even though I am very open, we always feel the difference of "targeting" of the readership is normal. There was not quite the same experience, the same richness of vocabulary and so on. But this was perfect because nothing was too naive and too simplistic. A beautiful

quest for identity, a beautiful story that goes well with a neat, a saga that begins in brief urges more planned for the month of October ...

My final score: 17/20

PS Thank Cecilia Thomas for this discovery.

Attention Friday, February 18, I give you an appointment to try to win a copy of "Fedeylins.

How To Get English Mw2 From Russian

discover Yasmina Khadra

The meeting was arranged for March 26, 2011 next. Thanks again to

Burnet each month to find a new author to discover because for me it's really a whole new world!

The principle is so simple to participate, I invite you to join us.
just read a book by Yasmina Khadra (your choice) and the chronicler of ur blog for March 26, 2011.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Plans For A Karate Belt Rack

Queen wild west
Lamentations 2010
As grave as the imagined as frivolous as the eternal / A space before the realms of reason / Eyes that look close at wounds themselves are wounded / I know beauty throught fear / The distillation of all torments within a single torment / Mine heart is turned within me  
Shields I-VI / Rachel Kneebone / exhibition at the White Cube gallery (white ceramics)
The Anatomy of Loss "The anagram is the key to all my work. The body is like a sentence that invites us to rearrange it." Hans Bellmer
Wall-painting from BLU, in Camdem.
They're more punker than you.
To have and to hold - fanzine - issue 2
"They were living in Tokyo, taking drugs and losing their minds. Sha was a former girl who had started working as a prostitute. He spent his time teaching English and browsing late night art bookshops and music stores. His truths sounded too banal to be trusted.
Irrational jealousy took over. He would wake up with her stubbing cigarettes out on his arms. She was convinced he was cheating on her in his dreams. He thought she was going to kill him and became terrified to fall asleep.
He fled back to England. She followed. They tried again to make it work but it was too far gone. She returned to Japan and wrote him a letter, delusional and paranoid. Shortly afterwards she was sectioned in a psychiatric clinic in Tokyo. He never heard from her again. He keeps her letter in a black box in his living room. He's been having violent dreams and restless nights ever since."
© Chavanitas & Elodie Mercier