For example, I have more free time to read books that are piled shamelessly in my pal who looks at Mont Blanc that I can also see everything from my chair leisure darling.
"sushi Evening" Agnès Abecassis is eaten as a snack, a relaxing break as it is not enough.
Come taste you too!
His official website: http://www.agnesabecassis.com/
Agnes Abecassis was born in 1972.
It begins as a writer and illustrator in a female-health, where she also holds a monthly column "The ticket Humor Agnes." Writer for a children's program on Canal +, she is now a journalist and columnist for various literary magazines.
The plot:
One was dumped, the other split, the third comes to divorce ...
When the heart is exposed, nothing beats the raw fish! Sushi (nm): Japanese specialty based on fish living nearly rolled into the cold rice, low in calories (at least less than a pizza), popular with women wanting to feel good. Disdained adolescents who prefer the hamburger (easier to chew), and men who prefer anything covered with cheese (like pizza), sushi is a delicacy that takes its flavor with sauce solo ...
er ... soybeans. Consumed in a group, it does not scream, laugh, cry or get angry with your mouth full, making it a delicacy prized for its friendliness. Traditionally been defined as "sushi night" meeting of three newly single friends, who have many anxieties about their teens and gossip about their ex to share that there are sesame seeds on a california maki.
And besides, all this is not fattening. (It was said or not?).
What I Think: A book
girls, written by a girl and talking about girls but also men. And yes, they are always there, even when we would like to forget them for good! (And what a moment!)
friendly and dynamic style of this book will please a wide audience. However, I think the target age group between 25 and 45.
Before it's too early, there is a lack of hindsight, experience or experience to savor all the spikes contained in the narrative.
Then I think we do not care. It is beyond all this!
Fun, sometimes hilarious, this title is a sweet treat to read between two tracks more difficult. We then assess the freshness and lightness.
unpretentious, take this book for what it is and what it can offer.
Do not expect too much and therefore you will not be disappointed.
My final score: 13/20.
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