Rick Bass was born in 1958 in Texas. There will also often referred to in "Winter . He studied biology and geology, but that does not necessarily predestined for this adventure because yes, the story of" Winter "is indeed an adventure, but human. It is a discovery of the world, another facet of our planet. Back to basics?
It inspires me, I choke a little just in our society then as now already trying to take a breath of fresh air in my reading.
is what you will read you interesting to the back cover:
" Winter is the story of the installation of Rick Bass and his wife in a remote corner of Montana in midwinter.
No electricity, no telephone, just a saloon with a half-hour away. But as a valley at the beginning of the world, nature is beautiful and cruel. In less than thirty-nine degrees, the dream is sometimes suffering. In luminous prose, the environmental activist Rick Bass rediscovered after a progressive skinning, essential. "
What I could think after reading" Winter ":
I think I immediately felt close enough to the approach of Rick and his partner. This desire to find the calm, to be close to nature, to live more simply, isolated from the bustle of the modern world, very little conducive to the establishment (he is a writer and a painter). They are also motivated by the fact that they have very few sources of income. They are not deep in debt, but have no valid sub advance. They are dreamers who still have the head well put on the shoulders (how this is a bit contradictory that I write? Not at all!) and suspect that it will not be an easy ride, that they will roll up their sleeves and go to level of elbow grease!
They already have in mind a fairly clear idea of what they seek as a place to settle. They have traveled many roads, state. The notion of distance is distorted by the differences between our little France and the vastness of the United States. The miles keep coming at a pace that would probably too afraid to Europe, but not this young American couple. Besides their
do not fall "in love" the same places, their lack of substance poses undeniable problem. Already at the time (the book was a few years anyway), it was not so easy, even armed with the best of intentions, to settle. American society ahead of us on the consumerist side, blocking their passage and especially since they have few requirements, criteria broad, but accurate.
" Winter" is the story in diary form (intimate, but not that much) of a human adventure around the world, in the mountains in the forest. Rick and Elizabeth will
find a small handful of people who have made the same choices they do (for other reasons, all quite personal). The choice of being isolated in winter, without electricity, home phone, without all the modern comforts to face natural beauty, but also tough.
" Winter" is a newspaper and a variety of winter. All possible topics will be discussed:
- Rick will talk about Nature, its beauty, its rich past, present and future.
- Rick we will discuss their difficulties, those of his partner because the conditions are sometimes (often) more complicated than it seems. They are arrived late in the season and prepare for winter is not an easy task.
- Rick will discuss the evolution of his thinking, perceiving the outside world, but also the physical changes that have occurred on its silhouette (work force, inactivity ...)
- Rick will talk about his " Neighbours, their ways of life, to understand the events ... ...
etc. The richness of life, a life is everywhere. The "money" changes depending on where we are, but basically it is still rich in our surroundings. And you can never miss what you do not know. Like love this truth. It is simple, but so authentic as the experiences of our elders. Rick also speaks better than I write this:
" An old woman, whom everyone calls Grandma has lived here all his life. Eighty years in the Yaak River Valley. When think of all she missed! But when you think also what she saw and the rest of the world has missed. Nobody can have everything, regardless of where it is located. "
Do not be in the lead, missed events, will miss his life so far? Nothing is less certain! Progress is really beneficial if it provides a more real and not just front as is unfortunately often the case with most everything new that invade the shops, and then our shelves, our cabinets ...
can find some ecological approach before time (his fashion in the media), but nothing is activist, all comments are personal. Rick Bass is the findings, state the facts and speak with what sounds like common sense.
" is a country slowly. A country of long ago. You learn some things more easily when one looks happen in slow motion. " Today, we are always pressed for what? For what reasons? As we go out grown? Happier? Again, nothing is less certain.
ago I was not so long a real city again and I appreciate all the pleasures to be enjoyed in a beautiful city, though increasingly, I feel the need to isolate myself, to reconnect with nature, tranquility, its silence only apparent. So I envy
experience have led to Rick and his girlfriend even though all was not idyllic. Difficulties, it also makes you appreciate the good things. My rating
Final: 16 / 20
- Available in paperback,
- Folio
- Number ISBN: 978-2-07-041405-5,
- 260 pages for 6 € 80.

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