You know nothing or almost, and I find that the pleasure lies precisely in this mysterious part.
For " Fedeylins, Volume 1, The banks of the world "I confess, I do not know the author and never heard of this book. A 100% discovery!
I could tell you now that Nadia Coste I was able to discover through his first book published by GrĂ¼nd, but I think the easiest and most enjoyable is that you go to meet him on his personal blog ( http://fedeylins.blogspot.com / ). She indulged (as much as she wants, you will talk about his passions, his manner of writing, work ...). An encyclopedia about the author "made in by herself!
Know She was born in 1979 and the books, their world has always passionate. It took a long journey before reaching the birth of his kid paper ": the saga of Fedeylins, but it draws strength and therefore a legitimacy that it does itself. To find
Fedeylins, as nothing better than the official site: http://www.fedeylins.fr/
There is a little rundown on Nadia Coste (Author), David Revoy (illustrator who also has its own website: http://www.davidrevoy.com/ ) and even videos (very instructive).
Still, it is also instructive to read the abstract proposed by the publisher to give an idea of the topic: The
fedeylins, small winged creatures of fifteen centimeters high, are happily living on the edge of the pond which is their world. They are a people who fears essentially fragile gorderives, amphibians armed with the other shore. For nearly three hundred years, a non-aggression pact keeps the peace between fedeylins and gorderives.
The five Founding Fathers fedeylins, only male pollinators, affix each small mark behind the left ear before its outbreak. This mark allows a fair distribution of society into castes (collectors, builders, priors, transmitters and creators). Believing in fate is crucial to accept the death that is ravaging the village daily. For all the brand and destiny are linked and each is convinced he has a definite place.
What I could think after reading (Volume 1 in its entirety and not just the summary, let's get serious!):
I first found the wonderful work David Revoy. The cover of this first volume is very beautiful, with soft colors, soothing (and lots of green this winter, I admit that this is particularly pleasant. One thinks of spring, warmer temperatures, a certain softness, the revival of Mother Nature ...).
Then I enjoyed being thrown into a world completely different from ours through the careful work of Nadia Coste. I do not doubt that he has actually had to write nine versions before arriving at this little gem.
Everything, I mean everything has been thought of every detail without weighing it is for the reader. On the contrary, it is immersed in this world (3D in our minds?) And we did not want to leave because it's so well done it's extremely painful return to reality.
You lose a bit of time elapsing since Nadia knows how to scroll the years without appearing.
Much work is noted at the transitions that are so fine and pleasant.
Beautiful gallery of portraits and characters, which makes this even more believable fantasy world. Indeed, in life, it is the accumulation of differences that existence is what it is. Nothing is ever truly fixed. There remains some
dark side, but I have no doubt they will be informed in future volumes of the saga. Nadia Coste could not tell us everything in one book though with his pen light and so fluid, we could continue our reading without more effort.
Each chapter opens with an excerpt from a book Fedeylin. I find it much seen. Book lovers will have even more desire to continue. I'm even sure they still want to read more!
could regret the lack of action, but I think that the whole saga is great, it certainly had to go through this step a little ungrateful, a bit forced to ask who is the decor, the foundations of this imaginary construction. If these are not strong enough, the readers would not want to go much further treat this passage is therefore a guarantee of quality, commitment on the part of the author.
And to compensate, there's character Cahyl. One can only enjoy it, want to be with him. Great attention is given to him. This is all the more easily as I did not like reading a novel to classify "Youth".
Even though I am very open, we always feel the difference of "targeting" of the readership is normal. There was not quite the same experience, the same richness of vocabulary and so on. But this was perfect because nothing was too naive and too simplistic. A beautiful
quest for identity, a beautiful story that goes well with a neat, a saga that begins in brief urges more planned for the month of October ...
My final score: 17/20
PS Thank Cecilia Thomas for this discovery.
Attention Friday, February 18, I give you an appointment to try to win a copy of "Fedeylins.
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